I have to admit there was a fiasco involving red food coloring and my favorite jeans, and I was a little nervous about the whole buttermilk portion of the recipe as well as the vinegar and baking soda you add at the end. I thought for sure I'd get something off balance and my poor sister would end up with red bricks instead of cupcakes for her birthday. I'm totally new to the whole baking thing and haven't quite accumulated any confidence for it. Fortunately for her, they actually turned out fluffy and not at all like bricks. Yay!
I made a cream cheese icing and topped them off with stemmed maraschino cherries for maximum cuteness. I was worried about the cherries bleeding on the icing, so I rinsed them off and let them dry out on paper towels.
My sis said that she really like the cupcakes, so to me that is a success! Here's to happy birthdays to very much loved little sisters!

could there be anything better than a red velvet cupcake and a sister!
I am enjoying my visits to this space
They look great Amy! Glad she liked them.
ELK: Yes, they are both awesome! Thanks for visiting! :)
Jen: Thanks for all your help! It was fun making them.
Finally got to try a bite of the ones we took home. They were nice a moist! The pictures are beautiful with all the red!
So I was wondering...are there any other adjectives to describe a cake other than moist?
I think I ate 5 at Shelly's birthday party. These are wonderful cupcakes!!
Steph: Thank you! Glad you enjoyed! I definitely love the red color. :)
Sam: You're always the trouble maker! Well, I mean, moistness IS a very important thing that separates cakes! (and isn't that like amanda's favorite word ever!) Though I supposed you could say flavorful, or friggin awesome, or delicious, chocolaty, strawberry-riffic, I could probably go on, but you get the picture. ;) Red velvet is a difficult cake to describe cause it's essentially a yellow cake with a hint of cocoa. PS: cant wait to see you guys soon!
Scott: I'm glad someone was eating them! They were so pretty i liked looking at them, but then i got worried that they were horrible when they weren't disappearing. :) Thanks for taking care of a few of them!
it's only 2 years later...but i thought i'd add my two cents (as the aforementioned sister.) they were phenomenal! best every cupcakes AND best ever red velvet anything! i have the most thoughtful, caring, loving, creative seester and i'm very thankful she doesn't settle for bricks on my birthday. :)
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