
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

30 Years

Well this weekend marked 30 years on Earth. This past year has been a whirlwind of huge events in my life and in the lives of the people I love. There were a significant number of awesome items on my 29 for 29 list that I didn't end up getting to this past year. I did end up doing several things I had no clue I would end up doing, though. (Like celebrating the engagement and marriage of my best friend and being a featured artist in a local art show) I also underestimated the time that I would spend preparing for the little one, being a matron of honor in two weddings, throwing a big anniversary party for my parents, and adjusting to my role as a new mom. To be honest, with all that filled my life I barely checked in with the list I had made. Now that things are slowing down and a new decade is beginning, it's time for a new list. Is it bad that I want to roll over a few of those items from the 29 to 29 list? I'll need to think about it. I think number 1 on the list will be to make the first homemade halloween costume for Fiona. That seems like a fine place to start.


  1. Can't wait to see the costume. Happy belated Birthday!

  2. 30 years....oh, enjoy it dear. It goes by soooo fast. I will be 50 this summer and am now reminiscing on my 30th - the summer I fell in love with my husband...sweet. Happy Birthday.
