
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Vintage Ribbon Camera Strap

It's been a long time coming! I posted about this pretty ribbon and my desire to add it to my camera strap months ago, but with my sewing machine on the fritz, and Christmas presents to make I hadn't gotten around to it. This weekend, though, Steph was kind enough to allow me to borrow some pieces of black fabric for the sleeve and her sewing machine to finally put this together. I'm so thrilled to finally have my custom strap complete! Thanks Steph, you make dreams come true!!!

Now I just need to figure out what I've done to make my sewing machine behave so badly and I can finish up other 1/2 done sewing projects. :) (see #1 on the list, sewing bag, you're next!)


  1. so pretty. you and steph always amaze me

  2. So pretty! It's funny because I saw Steph's camera strap on Saturday and was wowed. Then I noticed you didn't have one, but I got distracted and forgot to ask you what happened to it. Now I know! Love the pattern.

  3. Thanks girls! I've had that ribbon for months just taunting me to finish the project. Feels nice to have it complete. :)

  4. awesome! i'd want to carry around the camera just to show it off! ;)

  5. Thanks guys! :) I really gotta get my sewing machine back up and running so that I dont have to mooch off Steph! It was fun workin on the project with you though.

  6. Any chance you take commissions for your gorgeous camera strap??? I've just bought a panasonic FZ38(FZ35) and I can't find a strap I like as much as yours!! say you will..I live in London but would pay postage..

  7. Natasha, well I never really thought of that before! You're all the way across the pond in London are ya? How fun! Send me an email at and we can talk about this further. :)
