
Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Lights and Some Color

Here is my new and improved light box photo. I found that my little desk lights weren't quite bright enough to show off my subject matter, so I got some clip lights and put in a daylight bulb so that all the colors were as true as could be. I also made sure to white balance my camera before shooting my subject and I added a nice patterned fabric beneath to make it pop.

The angle wasn't quite right when I clipped my lights to the sides of the box, but I didn't have any special light stands to fasten my lights to. To serve as stands, I tried clipping the lights to a couple bookends and it worked perfectly. They were easy to maneuver to get the lighting just right.


  1. This is great Amy. I'm seriously thinking about copying your effort this weekend.

  2. Great use of the Peacocks! I love'em even more every time I seem them!

  3. Jen - I can't wait to see!!!

    Steph - Thanks! There was a small disaster though, the cord got pulled and the peacocks both flew to the floor breaking their heads off!!!! Noooooooo! But dont worry, I glued them back on with super glue and you cant even tell. One of them lost a bit of hair off the top of his head though that I could never find. *sigh* oh well, this is why we can never have anything nice eh?! :)

  4. Hi Amy, there's a raffle on my blog, Smilax's rooftop; come up, have a look around and try your luck!



  5. great idea! love that it's sturdy, yet collapsible.
    thanks so much for sharing this :)

  6. Thank you so much for the lightbox idea. I totally used it to build mine and will post about it tomorrow. Very cool and best of!

  7. Where did you get those lamps? They're perfect!

  8. I got them at Lowes for about $7 a piece. :)

  9. Hi, just made one of turned out great! Thanks or the tutorial, may I link?

  10. You mentinod somewhere else that you are blue/yellow colourblind.

  11. Myrtone, yeah, colors that are desaturated that fall in the purple to blue to green color spectrum are difficult to name as well as pale pink to pale yellow. For example its apparent that the color is either blue, purple, or green but I cant always accurately identify it. It rarely is a problem but I believe it's called tritan colorblindness.

  12. Becasue you didn't mentien it in the blogpost and don't mention it elsewhere in your blog as far as I have found. I found this blog because of a comment elsewhere.

  13. Hi Amy!

    I am curious what watt are the lights?

  14. Mimo, I'm not sure what wattage those particular lights are. If I had to guess I would say 60 watts each, possibly 75. :)
