
Monday, February 13, 2012

An Experiment in Screen Printing

After consulting a screen printing friend and doing a bit of research on the web, mainly the forums, I'm finally getting serious about putting together a little DIY screen print setup. Of course the middle of February in Indiana is just about THE WORST time to try and create this makeshift studio in the back of my unheated garage but slowly, slowly it's coming together. I've got a slew of new projects in the works, just waiting to be printed. First priority of the moment is to hang up some visqueen to make myself a smaller space to heat with the little space heaters I own.

Here's a sneak peek at our construction of a little vacuum table. Huge thanks to Alex for putting in so much time and effort to get these items built. Another huge thanks to Aaron over at RONLEWHORN for answering all of my random questions as I attempt to get things up and running. This has been no solo act, that's for sure.

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