
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Local Jazz and Art Show

Well, I realize this post is WAY overdue (like by a couple months) but I figured I'd post it anyway. The jazz concert/art show that I participated in at the courthouse was a fun little experience. Mostly it was worthwhile just to have a reason to get stuff printed and presentable, not to mention I've really been wanting to participate in arts events in my community. Our community is small and just getting things started with the arts. It was nice to have some support from the locals that attended the show.

One bonus of the night was that a few of my prints sold which helped support the printing costs. Sweet!

Another bonus was that I was able to enjoy the free jazz concert in the courthouse rotunda. It was great to listen to the evolution of jazz. There were some very talented musicians there that night and the rotunda acoustics were really cool.

Hanging a show in a courthouse was an interesting challenge. The arts council was nice enough to provide a table and a couple easels but I needed an additional way to display the rest of the work. After brainstorming some ideas with my dad I ended up rigging up a couple light stands and a thin piece of wood to hang the pieces. I thought it did the trick pretty well.

The old cameras set seemed to get some attention, and I got a couple questions about the San Francisco set which was nice. It's always a little nerve wracking to put your art and yourself out there, especially when you're around to see and hear the response. Its also fun to guess how particular communities will respond to certain types of work.

The illustrations are the prints that sold, but they were also the pieces that got a remark about how they didn't make any sense. haha. At first I thought she was confused about the concept of how digital illustrations came to be, but then I realized she was talking about the content. Like I said, fun to guess about how certain people in the community will respond.

I would still like to add one more piece to the snowy woods illustration series to make it more complete. I was really hoping to have a finished set of three for the show, but oh well. I got to see the reaction to the two illustrations so that was good.

I think my next step will be to put them up on my etsy site for sale. And I've got a little more confidence about doing another show or possibly the INDIEana Handicraft Exchange if they'll have me. These would make pretty sweet little prints for a nursery!

The best part about this experience was how supportive my family was. It's not like it was this epic show or anything, but it was just so sweet that they all came anyway, supported me when I was putting it all together, and cared about what I was doing. That's pretty awesome. Thanks family, and thanks to the arts council for asking me to be part.

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