
Friday, April 9, 2010

Glow in the dark planet mobile for Fiona

Well, we've been busy around here preparing for our little one to arrive. Yesterday as I was about to go crazy with anticipation (it being 2 days past her due date) my dad offered to come over and help me put together a mobile to display the glow in the dark planets that my mother-in-law gave to us. Having a visitor and a little creative project was the perfect thing to get my mind off thinking about IF and WHEN she will ever show up.

We sketched up a couple of ideas and ended up choosing a nice simple design that we could put together with wire and fishing line. I liked the idea of a slight curve to the cross bars as opposed to straight to give it a little extra style.

To do that we just cut some 18 gauge aluminum wire to the length we wanted and holding one end with pinched fingers, straightened the wire by running a cloth repeatedly from the pinched hand to the end of the wire, molding and curving it little by little. We then bent the ends under with pliers to create a loop for the fishing line. The rest just involved tying fishing line to the planets and balancing the mobile.

It was a nice quick little project that was very simple to put together. We sure hope Fiona likes it!


  1. The mobile looks great. I can't help but feel sorry for poor Pluto (the space rock formerly known as our 9th planet) He will never be included in the modern Milkyway Galaxy baby mobile.

  2. Amy, congratulations!
    I didn't know!!!

    So happy for you and your baby-to-come and your boy!!!

    Sooooo busy these times but I'll try to stay tunned!!!


  3. Thanks Vince, I TOTALLY understand what you're feeling for poor lil Pluto. I was debating whether or not to include him, but then realized that he wasn't even in the set! *sniff sniff* It's so hard to say goodbye.

    Smilax, Thanks! We're getting VERY excited. She is making us wait until the absolute last minute though! I suppose it's Karma for all the times I have been late for things. ;) Good luck with your busy times!
