
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Long Exposure Light Writing

Lots of fun this weekend experimenting with long exposure light writing. Steph had been wanting to play around with this technique, so Sat night we busted out the flashlights and colored tissue paper. Phase 1 was playing with different light sources and techniques for writing, phase 2 we plan on heading out to the park and stage some more shots. Can't wait!


  1. You guys are so creative. Looks like a lot of fun. I'd love to learn more about how you did this.

  2. Awesome time! Love the composite picture. I think next time we should have some of those flood lights on hand for lighting a background. Can't wait! :)

  3. These are great, are you doing these with a digital camera?

  4. Thanks guys!

    Yeah, we used our Canon Rebel Digital SLR cameras. There is a setting called 'bulb' which means that as long as you're holding down the button that you push to take a photo, it will keep the shutter open. If you plan on moving lights around in a specific pattern, it's best to have a really steady tripod to hold your camera still, but you can also make these kinds of streaks by holding the camera, pointing it at a stationary light, then wiggling your camera. Maybe we'll have to do another post about the details. :)

  5. Amy, you forgot a 'specific' picture that was taken.
