
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Winter Windowboxes

This summer Alex and I put window boxes on the front of the house and planted them with sweet smelling flowers. I miss having fresh flowers on the house, but this is the next best thing! Over Thanksgiving when I was visiting Alex's family, his mom let me steal a bunch of greenery from the bushes around their house.

We cut out branches of boxwood and evergreen as well as some hearty ivy that was growing up a tree. For some extra color and texture we cut a few of the dried snowballs off of the hydrangea bushes as well. I felt it still needed a bit more color so I added some red berries. They're the only part of it that isn't real.

To assemble I just poked everything down into the soil in a fan shape then wove white Christmas lights through the window boxes. You don't need to worry about watering the greenery, it should last through most of the winter just the way it is.

I had some supplies left over from filling the window boxes so I decided to take one of my flower pots and fill it the same way for the front porch. It makes me happy to drive home and see the lights and the green. Our house is a big white box, so it's nice to see some extra color.

Does anyone else have window boxes? I'd love to see your winter ideas!


  1. You should have posted pictures of Alex installing the flower boxes. I love the lights. I bet it looks awesome from the streets. I'm sure there will be a few fender-benders on Busby from people slowing down for the light show.

  2. Haha, I was too worried about him falling off the roof to take photos! :D

  3. What a great idea! I love the lit window boxes. They look lovely at night and beautiful during the day. The thing that makes them work during the day is that they fit the season perfectly. Very nicely done!
