
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Photo Week: 'Tis the season

Steph, had the lovely idea to invite us to join her on a photo 'weekend' to boost her holiday spirit. Saturday was 'Sparkle and Spirit' and Sunday was 'Traditional Red and Green'. This was an easy photo weekend for me to participate in because I was taking SO many photos as it was! This weekend was PACKED with holiday fun. Saturday I joined my grandma, mom, and sister to make our Christmas chocolates then Sunday we went up to Dull's Tree Farm to get our tree! I'll be sure to throw up a big post soon about the candymaking and possibly a quick post about a couple holiday decorations I put together.

Without further ado, here are my contributions to the holly jolly photo weekend! Thanks for hosting a great photo week, Steph!

Saturday: Sparkle and Spirit

Sunday: Traditional Red and Green


  1. Gorgeous, Amy! You captured the essence of season to a T. Beautiful pictures. I can't believe you made all that candy!

  2. Why thank you Sara! It's a big job, making the candy, but we really enjoy it. Something us ladies can do together once a year.

    I'm gonna post a bit more in depth about the day, our process of candy making, and maybe a how-to of some kind soon. I haven't quite decided which aspects of the day to write about. :)

    Probably wont get to it tonight though, tonight is our ornament swap! Yay!! See you there!!!

  3. And a fine ornament swap it was. The picture reminded me that I never tried your candy! I had my hand in the puppy chow bowl all night instead. Darn it! :)

  4. Amazing pictures! The candy picture looks like an endless field of little chocolates, I love that!

  5. "I am an animator, designer, and illustrator living in Indiana."

    ...and photographer!! Word!
