
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Photo Week: Song Titles

This week's brilliant theme courtesy of Sue! Send her a comment and a link if you'd like to join in on photo week. :)

Monday (10/27) - Of Angels and Angles, The Decemberists
coming soon...

Tuesday (10/28) - Torn and Frayed, The Rolling Stones
coming soon...

Wednesday (10/29) - Slippery People, Talking Heads
coming soon...

Thursday (10/30) - Too Much of Nothing, Bob Dylan
coming soon...

Friday (10/31) - Photographers choice. What song title comes to mind?
coming soon...


  1. WOW! Can I just comment on how much I *LOVE* your banner?

  2. Why thank you Rachel! :) I *LOVE* your blog!

  3. Torn and Frayed by The Stones - nice pick - some of their best! Their lesser known stuff still holds up. You ought to try the entire Exile on MainStreet and Beggars Banquet records. You would love them. Very few songs you have probably ever heard - but two of their finest moments.
