
Friday, September 12, 2008

Viva la Photo Week!!!

As many of you know, I'm a girl who LOVES a good project. I generally need one to inspire me to get up off the couch and force me do something creative. Otherwise, I feel like like there's always something more productive I could be doing, like laundry, or one of the billion home improvement projects we need to complete. Or I feel like I'm sick of doing productive things and I just sit around and watch Hulu. Then of course when I look back at my week and think about what I've done I always feel a little sad if I didn't manage to slip in anything creative (outside of work stuff). I mean, there are soooo many creative things that I want to do and try and learn about, and it's just sad when I look back at my week and see that I've done nothing to work towards those creative goals and interests. And it's sad when I would like to think of myself as a photography hobbiest, yet I only take snapshots every now and again during a vacation or a get together. I've got so much to learn and so many experiments to try which is why I LOVE a good project.

So, I say, "VIVA LA PHOTO WEEK!!!"

I am so excited to continue with the week long photo projects as next week, Sept. 15th, Photo Week is hosted by Steph Wagner. She hasn't announced her theme yet, she's keeping us all waiting with baited breath.

But once she posts her theme, anyone is welcome to join in and flex your creative muscles. Just comment on her Sept. 15th post with a link to the site where you've posted your photos and she'll list it with the others.

I look forward to being inspired by the great photos that will come out of the project that is Photo Week.


  1. Hey Amy - I think you should make a logo for Photo Week. Just something we can throw in our posts. I participate in a lot of (food) blogging events and most of them have logos. I'm finishing up my color week today. I had a ton of fun doing it and can't wait for next week.

  2. I think I could whip one up real quick. :) Good idea!
